Galaxy Spider 360 Dart-Board 1000 series
Galaxy Spider 360 Dart-Board 2000 series
New & Used Game Important info!!!
How to set up my new pinball machine
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Guns N' Roses CLOSEOUT!
Led Zeppelin CLOSEOUT!
For USED Pinball Machine & Arcade Game Inventory please scroll down to here, but before you do, the information below on shipping is VERY important. Please read. If you're new to pinball, some of the information below will be very helpful for you. We know there's a lot of reading but it'll be worth it if you're new to this Hobby!
Why buy from us? We'll just let our customers tell you why. Sometimes we have to update this link, so if no workie, just GOOGLE US AND CHECK OUR REVIEWS! ALL 5 STARS!
This Page last updated 02/27/25
This is the single most important paragraph you will read on this or any other arcade game/pinball website:
Why is this important? Well, because arcade games go on LTL (Less Than Truckload) semi truck freight carriers when traveling long distances. They can't go on a UPS or FED EX truck. (Well they can, but that is also LTL just a different division than your local driver in the small trucks) So what all this means is when freight goes LTL it is put into into a freight class category. That category is covered based on the commodity. Most EVERY SINGLE freight carrier ONLY covers $1500.00 on coin operated pinball machines and arcade games. NEW OR USED no matter what you paid for it! This includes the specialized "White Glove" carriers. Our 3rd party policy only adds $40 to your quote. We have used this policy multiple times and it is a much much smoother process than trying to deal with the carrier. Although damage is rare, it happens! If it happens we handle every single aspect of this process AND we alsoy the deductible for you!
The second part of this equation is the pallet size. Pinball manufactures use a 31X31 pallet so they can get 3 wide in semi trucks and/or containers heading overseas. This means the size of the pallet is the same size of the box. Why does this matter? Well, this means the various other freight traveling with your game can hit your game since the pallet and the games box are the same size. Transferring the game over to a standard 40X48 pallet allows more space around your game to help minimize the risk of other freight or forklift drivers damaging it. The other thing it greatly increases is the inability for the freight to tip over. A pinball machine on a 40X48 pallet is much more planted and creates a larger footprint. A 31X31 can tip over quite easily if the truck hits a curb and it is not strapped in to the wall of the trailer. Once that game gets loaded on the trailer at our dock it is mandatory that we have the driver strap that game in. Does it stay that way from truck to truck? We would hope so, but honestly once it leaves our dock it is no longer under our control. We have no idea as it goes from terminal to terminal and truck to truck. One thing is certain though, if it's not strapped in and it's on a 40X48 pallet it's much harder to tip over! This pallet upsizing service does change the freight cost because it puts it into the next freight class category due to its larger footprint. This service including the 40X48 pallet is normally $45.
The last piece if vital info you should know about is the actual carrier. There are some great carriers and not so great carriers out there. We have used them all over the past 25 years. The not so great, yeah there cheap but they have extremely high claims for damaged freight. Years ago as a company we made the decision to stay off them. They are just not worth the savings. It's minimal in retrospect of what these games can cost, not to mention replacing a pristine fully restored original game or even a brand new game that is no longer in production! We will ONLY use an above average rated carrier to transport your game. The old saying "you get what you pay for" can not be stressed enough in LTL shipping! For the cost of this high end equipment, don't skimp on the shipping! Trust us on these, we have learned the hard way! Some of these carriers are paid by the skid. You can stamp, write and scream DO NOT STACK all over the freight and paperwork but guess what they will do? Stack on top of it to get more pallets on the truck. We have had it happen. Last, EVERY GAME gets a tip and tell affixed to the shipment. This assures you and us that the freight during transit has remained upright and has not fallen over. This is also a huge sign for the carriers to handle with care when they see these indicators on the freight. Once they see a tip and tell they tend to understand that they are being monitored and that the freight IS in fact fragile! All this, along with the service of upsizing the pallet to help minimize the risk of damage are strongly recommended if your shipping your game any significant distance. You are looking at an $85 investment to protect your thousands of dollars in product that you just purchased. If your game is eligible for free shipping your only cost would be the $85 for these two services. We would cover your actual freight costs if that promotion is valid for your game.
About LED Lighting: We ONLY use top quality Cointaker and Pinball Life LED's. We do NOT use any cheap LED's on any game we restore. This is important because cheap LEDs will not work correctly in the game. Cheap LEDs will cause a "ghosting" effect which means the lamp never fully turns off when it is supposed to. When a game is done in LED lighting, it is done in full, including ALL (switched & general illumination) lamps in the cabinet and backbox. We do not do partial LED upgrades to any game. You will get the full kit, top to bottom! If a game ONLY shows LED Lighting for a price option, then the game is already complete and shopped with the LED lighting installed. If it shows both options, we either have multiples of the game, or the game has not yet been restored and you can choose either lighting option. Most older electro-mechanical (non solid state) and early Bally solid state games are not done in LED. Contact us if you have any questions and we can discuss LED options or questions you may have.
About HUO (Home Use Only) Games: These are games we sold brand new to our home customers and are brought back in on trade. These games are generally in flawless condition with VERY low hours and play. They are as good as new. If the game is older than 5 years old, it will be fully torn down, cleaned (dusty) and fresh rubber installed. ('s rubber, it goes bad even from sitting!) We also convert the game to LED lighting if it had incandescent from the factory. We also add Cliffy protectors to preserve the flawless playfield! If you are a HUO fan/collector, check our site often because we generally have a few in stock BUT they DO NOT last long. Usually days, sometimes hours!
Some Stock images used - for actual pictures of the machine, please click on the image of the game and it will open a new window showing a gallery of pictures of the actual game for sale, or look for the just arrived pictures in the line ad. If there are no pictures of the machine yet, it has just arrived, in restoration or is coming in on trade. If you don't see them up yet, we would be happy to send you some pictures of the actual game you would be purchasing by simply contacting us. We try to get pictures up asap, even if it is before the restoration. We will then update the pictures in the gallery after the restoration. If a game is not restored yet, it will be noted in the description generally as "just arrived" or "just arrived pictures here". All prices shown are for a FULLY restored game. If you have any questions, or are just not clear on something in the description, feel free to contact us. With the world of smart phones most likely you will see a pretty quick reply!
We all major credit cards, personal checks, wire transfers, ACH transfers. Web prices do not reflect a 4% credit card processing charge. To keep the lowest possible advertised prices on restored games we do not add in card processing fees. Were happy to take a credit card but there is a 4% fee for this type of transaction on used games. This is why out prices remain lower than most comparable condition games from other online retailers. Your best price will always be check or wire. NEW Games offer various promotions at different times of the year that we can not advertise online. Contact us for more info on pricing and discounts.
Have a special request? Contact us!
As we head into our 31st year, we have become pretty darn good at working on coin operated games. Early on, we learned quickly what NOT to buy. We only buy games that are a good candidate for a restoration and games we can support long after the sale. Our thinking is this: IF there is a problem with a customer's game, who is going to be the one driving to their house to fix it? WE ARE! So with that said, BEFORE any game leaves our facility, we want to be 100% sure that you, the customer, will receive many trouble free years with your new game. Pinball machines are mechanical devices and things can break. But with a solid restoration on games that meet our stringent wholesale buying criteria, your game will play as good, if not better than new. We're sure of it and we have 25 plus years of happy customers to prove it. We are a small family owned business that takes pride in what we do! We are dedicated to one-on-one customer service. In our world THAT is the backbone of America!
Our restoration process is very thorough. The games that will be restored are brought into our shop and completely torn down. And we mean completely. The playfields are stripped down and all parts are hand cleaned and polished. Any broken or worn parts are replaced. The playfield is also cleaned and waxed. It is then reassembled using all new rubber and bulbs. And that's just the top side of the playfield. The underside (where you can't see) is then fully rebuilt. All under-ramps are pulled, cleaned and polished. All flipper, pop bumper, slingshot & drop target assemblies are fully rebuilt using all new parts, along with ALL other game specific mechanical assemblies. This is critical in making your newly restored game play as it should!
Finally, the electronics are thoroughly inspected. There are MANY common issues with pinball electronics that arise from years of street or home use. Every manufacturer and system is different. Fortunately we have been doing this a while and we definitely know what to look for BEFORE it becomes an issue. All these things you can't see are what you should be the most concerned with. Unfortunately there are so many dealers out there that make a game "look" good to the untrained eye, but they just don't do the necessary things to the mechanics and electronics of the game. This is where it can really become an expensive disappointment. Just when you thought owning a pinball was a great idea, it's deflated when you're now looking to find someone to fix your game AGAIN! And I won't even get into some of the things we've seen by so called "in-home service technicians" out there! AND what these poor people have paid for some of these repairs. We say it all the time... do your homework! Because these are commercially operated games and many have been neglected and abused. Making them look good is the easy part. Making them play right is a whole different story.
Also be very wary of the term "home use only" or HUO. It is thrown around a lot and is not always necessarily true. Without documentation, there's really no proof of that claim, but a trained eye can generally tell if the game has ever seen street use or not. A game that has been on the street or on location is not anything to fear as long as the restoration is solid and the beginning product is worthy of the restoration. Every game we sell locally includes an in-home parts and labor warranty. We will always service your game in your home. You will never need to drag it in, nor will we be removing it from your home. For out of state sales, we will always warranty parts & electronics and can and will assist in finding qualified local repair technicians if you're not capable of the repair. We also offer free phone support for the life of your game! Rest assured, you will only get the best restoration of your new game! You will never receive a dusted off product from us!
Please do your homework before you buy a pinball. We have lost count how many times we see people buy a product and pay way too much for the mediocre quality. Call us if you have any questions and we'll be happy to talk to you! If you educate yourself before you purchase, you will know exactly what to look for and the questions to ask if you're shopping. Now lets scroll down and look at some PINBALL!!!!
INVENTORY UPDATED 02/27/25 - Our inventory is always changing! As you see by our sold listings games don't stick around too long at all, so if you see the title you're looking for, you may want to contact us ASAP. Clean games and good titles move VERY fast. Sometimes literally hours. We're very picky about the games we buy, and this is well-known and we have a very solid reputation. What you see below will be very nice clean games. Thus the reason they don't stick around too long!
We have been extremely busy and we try to get full listings up on these games as soon as they arrive, but many times they sell before we can even post a full listing. Pictures of some of these games are posted on our Facebook page as they arrive. We will also try to get links to photos up in the listing as they arrive, but sometimes it will be a few days before we get pictures posted. Please remember, some of these are NOT restored games and JUST ARRIVED pictures, BUT we are VERY picky about what we buy. If it's junk, it never even gets listed here. PERIOD! These games listed WILL ALL be restored as we are always starting with a solid unit to begin with. If you don't see any pictures of the game your interested in, or want more pictures or info, just Contact Us and select that game from the drop down menu on the contact form and request pictures in the comments section and we will get them over to you within 24 hours. Or you can call us at 630-792-8910 and ask for Kurt. Remember we are a small family owned business and we stay extremely busy, so there is no way to have the dozens and dozens of games we have coming in restored in a few days. We are currently running anywhere between 4 TO 6 weeks for a restoration depending on the game.
If you are using the Contact Us form, please select what game you are inquiring about from the "what game are you interested in" drop down menu and also please select the shipping/delivery preference. Without this info we can't get a shipping quote. If interested in more than one game, then please note the titles you are inquiring about in the "questions and comments" section of the form. Some of these games may already be listed with pictures if you scroll down below.
Contact Us for more info, pricing or pictures of any of the games listed below if you don't see them and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
NOTE: We do offer custom powder coating of side rails, legs, backbox hinges and lock down bars on most games below or if you want to powder coat your current game Contact us for more info. Colors are unlimited! Prices range from $300 to $400 for a full 9 piece set depending on colors & coatings.
We are extremely busy and with the high demand for pinball right now, so here is how we operate. If you see a game below and it says just arrived then please fill out the contact ticket for that game. We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is in, evaluated, and priced you will be contacted. This system is as fair as we can be on the insane demand we have for great, clean titles that generally sell quite fast. With a 30 plus year reputation of really clean games, most of our high quality games disappear fast as many of our regular buyers watch this site almost daily.
(*free shipping on Guns N' Roses LE and Led Zeppelin Pro Excluded, does include full warranty)
MOST OF THESE GAMES HAVE BETWEEN 0 AND 300 PLAYS. Display games are BRAND NEW & many floor models are very low play. Inquire on these games using our contact ticket.
NOTE: This list is subject to change based on very limited availability.
Please Contact Us Here to see if the game you are looking for is still available.
We try to keep this list updated weekly.
Stern Jaws Premium Edition - Home Use Only - Very Low Play $8999 SHIPPED! (IN STOCK)
Stern Elvira Blood Red Kiss - Home Use Only - Very Low Play $11499.00 SHIPPED! (Coming Soon)
Stern Godzilla Pro - Home Use Only with mods - Very low play $6299.00 SHIPPED! (Pending Sold)
Stern Foo Fighters Pro - Floor Model - Very Low Play. $6499.00 SHIPPED! Save $500 off MSRP!
Stern Foo Fighters Premium - Show Model - Low Play. $8399.00 SHIPPED! Save $1300.00 off MSRP!
Stern John Wick Pro - Show Model - Low Play. $6299.00 SHIPPED! Save $700 off MSRP off MSRP!
Stern John Wick Premium - Show Model - Low Play. $8399.00 SHIPPED! Save $1300.00 off MSRP!
Stern Avengers Premium - Display Model - ZERO Play. $8399.00 SHIPPED! Save $1300.00 off MSRP!
Stern Star Wars Mandalorian Pro Show Model - Low Play. $6299.00 SHIPPED! Save $700 off MSRP!
Stern Star Wars Premium - Floor Model - Very Low Play $8599.00 SHIPPED! Save $1100.00 off MSRP
Stern Stranger Things Premium - Floor Model - Very Low Play. $8799.00 SHIPPED! Save $900.00
Stern Venom Pro - Show Model - Low Play. $6299.00 SHIPPED! Save $700 off MSRP!
Stern Venom Premium - Floor Model - Very Low Play. $8599.00 SHIPPED! Save $1100.00 off MSRP
Stern James Bond Premium - Floor Model - Very Low Play. $8799.00 SHIPPED! Save $900.00!
Stern Rush Pro - Floor Model - Very Low Play. $6599.00 SHIPPED! Save $400 off MSRP
Stern Led Zeppelin Pro NEW IN BOX! $6599.00 SHIPPED! Save $400 OFF MSRP! (ONLY 2 LEFT!)
Jersey Jack Guns N' Roses Limited Edition - ZERO PLAYS NEW IN BOX - $8975.00 SAVE $2025.00!
Jersey Jack Godfather Limited & Collector Editions - ZERO PLAYS NEW IN BOX - CALL FOR PRICE
Jersey Jack Toy Story Limited & Collector Editions - ZERO PLAYS NEW IN BOX - CALL FOR PRICE
Contact us or call Kurt 630-792-8910 for more info on these games or if you have any specific questions.
These tickets are answered in order of submission
JUST ARRIVED - Star Wars Premium Home Use Only. This game was sold by us brand new. It is in mint condition and includes Art Blades, Storm Trooper Shooter Knob, Extra LED lights for back panel and the trough drain, shaker motor & external Volume Control. This game is literally like brand new. INCLUDES FULL FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! SAVE BIG! $7899.00. Pictures here
Contact us for if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - Stern Monopoly Home Use Only. Just pulled from a home. This game is bone stock and in mint condition! NO HACK WORK ON THIS ONE! Pictures soon. $5999.00 Contact us for if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - Champion Shuffle Alley 12' Home Use Only. EXCELLENT condition. Just pulled from the same home as the Monopoly above. Local delivery and set up is available. More info here. We are a Champion dealer. This unit retails new for $7495.00. Save 50%! $3750.00 including dust, cleaner and 2 sets of pucks!! This unit if literally like brand new. Pictures soon. Contact us for if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED! - Cactus Canyon Special Edition Home Use Only (HUO) We sold this game brand new. Includes Shaker, Mirrored Backglass and Inside Mirror Blades. Customer traded in on the LE version. Great deal at $6999 low play! Pictures coming soon. Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - Data East, Jurassic Park Pinball. THis game just arrived from a homeowner who has owned it a very long time. This game was sold by our competitor back in the 90's who is no longer in business. They sold clean (but very overpriced) games to high end homeowners. This game is in really nice shape for the old Data East game. Just arrived pictures here. We will completely restore this game. Comes with a full warranty as well. $4999.00 and INCLUDES FULLY INSURED FREE SHIPPING! This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - BALLY, TWILIGHT ZONE - This is a super clean all original game. Pictures coming soon, $8999.00. This game will be boxed in a new game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - Stern, World Poker Tour Pinball LOW PLAY documented HOME USE ONLY! We sold this game brand new! This game is in perfect like new condition. Not a scratch in it! Original Factory paperwork still stapled in the cabinet. INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING & FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! Pictures here $4999.00. This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive is list like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
READY TO SHIP! - Munsters LE 8 PLAYS! INCLUDES TOPPER, SHOOTER, FREE SHIPPING & FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! $15999.00 - Pictures Here This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive is list like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Just arrived pictures here. Contact us for if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission
READY TO SHIP! - Terminator 3 - HUO <200 plays. HOME US ONLY - 100% stock PERFECT CONDITION! INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING & FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY $4999.00 Pictures here. This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
READY TO SHIP! - Williams Strikemaster 6 player Puck Bowling Machine. Excellent condition! THEY DON'T GET ANY CLEANER THAN THIS!! Appears to be home use only and SUPER LOW HOURS! $3995.00 Just arrived pictures here SUPER NICE! More info here. Local in home delivery and set up available. 104"D x 27"W X 71"H
Contact us for shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - Williams Strikemaster Junior! VERY RARE 6 player Puck Bowling Machine. This is the same exact version of the full size unit except 24" shorter! Williams made a VERY SMALL run of these back in the day to accommodate smaller bars etc. This unit just came in. We have NEVER seen one before. Heard of them but this is the first one ever to come in. Excellent condition! THEY DON'T GET ANY CLEANER THAN THIS!! Appears to be home use only and SUPER LOW HOURS! $3995.00 Pictures coming soon. SUPER NICE! More info and pictures soon. Local in home delivery and set up available. 80"D x 27W x 71"H
Contact us for shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
READY TO SHIP! - STERN PLAYBOY! EXCELLENT CONDITION!!! The most popular men’s magazine in history, is now the Stern pinball machine that’s got everyone talking. Steeped in PLAYBOY’s rich 50-year tradition, the PLAYBOY pinball machine brings you the world’s most beautiful women in a glamorous lifestyle that only can be called PLAYBOY. Designed by George Gomez (Monster Bash™), Dwight Sullivan (Who dunnit™), and our incredible team of pinball experts, the PLAYBOY pinball machine challenges you to collect Rabbit Heads, twelve Playmates, and experience Mansion Mania in a way you never have before. The PLAYBOY pinball machine features a mechanical centerfold that both opens and closes, along with several other unique playfield mechanisms that reveal the many beautiful women of PLAYBOY. Pictures here. $5999.00. This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
READY TO SHIP! - Data East Simpsons from a private collection. Just arrived pictures here. Yes there are 2 stand up targets broken, This is all replaced in the tear down and resto of the game. This game is a BEAUTIFUL all original game! We sold this game a handful of years ago, and it was converted to Pinball Life Premium LED's at that time. We will refresh all the rubber and mechanics in this game. $4999.00. This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. submission
READY TO SHIP! - Arachnid upright home version $399.00. Excellent condition and home use only! pictures here. Contact us for a shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
VIDEO GAMES (and other misc coin op games) NOW IN STOCK
We have these games for sale:
JUST ARRIVED - Chicago Gaming Ultracade. Home Use Only, MINT CONDITION. This game is literally like brand new. Includes 263 games. For a full list click here $1499.99. For more info or a shipping quote, please Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
Beautiful Wurlitzer Bubbler CD Juke Box. This is a home use only bubbler Juke Box. EXCELLENT CONDITION! 100% ready to go! Plays perfect. See video here. All the paperwork is there and included! This box has incredible sound! $3499.00. More pictures & Video can be found here! For more info or a shipping quote, please Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission. SOLD
Puck Bowlers. Many to choose from. These never last long so Contact Us for more details or pictures. Prices range from $1995.00 to $4295.00 based on age and overall cosmetic condition and restoration. These prices include a 100% mechanical/electronic restoration. These sell fast! Please Contact Us for more details on the units we currently have in stock.
JUST ARRIVED - Williams Strikemaster 6 player Puck Bowling Machine. Excellent condition! THEY DON'T GET ANY CLEANER THAN THIS!! Appears to be home use only and SUPER LOW HOURS! $3995.00 Just arrived pictures here SUPER NICE! More info here. Local in home delivery and set up available. 104"D x 27"W X 71"H
Contact us for shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
JUST ARRIVED - Williams Strikemaster Junior! VERY RARE 6 player Puck Bowling Machine. This is the same exact version of the full size unit except 24" shorter! Williams made a VERY SMALL run of these back in the day to accommodate smaller bars etc. This unit just came in. We have NEVER seen one before. Heard of them but this is the first one ever to come in. Excellent condition! THEY DON'T GET ANY CLEANER THAN THIS!! Appears to be home use only and SUPER LOW HOURS! $3995.00 Pictures coming soon. SUPER NICE! More info and pictures soon. Local in home delivery and set up available. 80"D x 27W x 71"H
Contact us for shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
We currently have 4 available! From $1995.00 to $3995.00. Contact Us
Local in Home Set Up And Delivery Is Available on all games.
Below are just some of the games we have sold over the past months. We run a consistent 6-8 week wait time on restorations. We try to get games ready for our showroom and have "ready to sell" games, but with over 30 years experience and excellent customer service, we have become EXTREMELY busy over the past years and generally MOST games sell way before we can get to the restorations for our floor. We have literally outlasted every other retailer in Chicago. We are the last one standing. Everyone else has closed their doors. We will get you the game your looking for, but we do ask for your patience. We work long and hard and will NEVER rush a game out the door. If we can't do it right, we're not doing it at all. We can do it fast, or we can do it RIGHT and the first one simply is not an option!
~SOLD~ Bally, The Shadow. We just pulled this game out of a home where it's been for at least the last 20 years according to the homeowner. This game is extremely clean! This could be a home use only as it does not show any significant wear and tear whatsoever. This is a really nice super clean all original unmolested game! More details, pricing and pictures coming soon. This game will be boxed in a new game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern, Metallica Premium LOW PLAY HOME USE ONLY! This game is in perfect like new condition. Not a scratch in it! Includes High Definition (HD) Playfield glass, shaker motor, custom shooter knob, lite up flipper buttons & official Stern Metallica Promo game banner! Original Factory paperwork still stapled in the cabinet. INCLUDES FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jacks Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Collector Edition. We sold this game brand new, very low play. This game is literally brand new! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Bally Corvette Pinball. We just pulled this game from a home where it has spent many years. The game will receive a full tear down and restoration including a FULL 3 ramp set replacement, LED conversion and complete playfield tear down and rebuild. This game has GREAT bones and as it sits EVERYTHING is working 100% including the LT1 motor and the racetrack. See pictures and videos here. This game will clean up nice. Here is your chance to snag a game that just does not pop up often. GM set the build on this game to 5001 units globally back in 1994. We have one here. Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD ~ TRUE COLLECTOR QUALITY - No Good Golfers - We sold this game brand new to a local homeowner. This game has very very low play. All original completely numbers matching logic boards, No Slam Ramp wear whatsoever, original display, original everything down to the decals on the drip rail! You will not find a cleaner Gofers! NO SLAM RAMP WEAR!!! This is as nice as it gets. Full LED conversion and fresh rubber just installed. This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ JUST ARRIVED! Stern, Game Of Thrones Limited Edition. Only 400 plays, Home Use Only. Includes Stern Topper, Color DMD Display, Custom Shooter Knob, Custom Key chain, External Headphone Jack, extra Figurines, Plastic Protectors, Speaker inserts, & Custom Drink Holder. This game is LIKE NEW condition. Like all our home use only like new games, you will receive a factory equivalent warranty! This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ JUST ARRIVED - Stern Star Wars Premium Comic Art. Home Use Only, LESS THAN 200 PLAYS! SAVE OVER $2500 BUYING NEW. This game is literally brand new. INCLUDES FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! Pictures soon. Contact us for more info or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern, Guardians Of The Galaxy with very low 159 LIFETIME PLAYS! FREE SHIPPING & FACTORY WARRANTY INCLUDED, Art blades and Shaker Motor included! Add insider connected for $200 and we will install it for you FREE! Add insider connected for $200 and we will install it for you at NO CHARGE! This game will be boxed in a new Stern game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for more info or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. MSRP IS $7699.00 SAVE $800 AND GET A FULL FACTORY WARRANTY! $6899.00 WITH ZERO PLAYS! THIS WAS A DISPLAY GAME THAT IS NOT IN FREE PLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM. LAST ONE WE HAVE! THIS IS A BRAND NEW GAME!
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Limited Edition. This is as close to a brand new game as you will find! Very low 103 play game! We sold this game brand new to a local customer. Game is in perfect condition. INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING & FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! This one won't last long! This game will be boxed in a new game box so you will receive it just like a new game with top notch packing, or if you are local we can offer white glove delivery and set up! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ BALLY TWILIGHT ZONE Stunning condition. This was a really nice game that was taken to the next level. Full high end resto just completed. This game has so many new parts we literally can't list them all.... but here are a few. Brand new Rad-Cal Cabinet Art and side rails (protective film still on these and the side rails to protect them) New mpu- from pinball basement, rebuilt driver board, all new ribbon cables, sound system upgrade, new door w/clear coin insert w/blue light, lighted flipper buttons, new legs, leg levelers, leg bolts, side rails & lock down bar, full playfield resto including all new pop bumper bodies, skirts, caps, star posts, premium rubber, LEDs, new improved slot scoop with slot stand up target tab, gumballs, rebuilt flippers, etched black balls, blue lighted speaker rings, mirror blades and much more. This is a beautiful collector quality Twilight Zone!!!! Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Williams Indiana Jones from a private collection - Excellent condition! FRESHLY RESTORED AND READY TO GO!
~SOLD~ Stern The Walking Dead Limited Edition Home Use Only. Includes topper and other mods. See pictures. We sold this game brand new to a high end lake home. Low play game. He did add some other nice mods including adjustable intensity LED backglass lighting kit, Walking Dead Dead Walker speaker flasher inserts, chain link fence with lit up barbed wire, additional Walking Dead figurines throughout playfield, along with a pinball prison hitchhiker sign that was in the coin box. This game also has the game specific LE only art blades, Shaker motor, enhanced sound system with larger subwoofer, mirrored back glass. This game is MINT. We delivered it and it never moved until we picked it up today. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Wizard of Oz Ruby Red 2.0 lighting. This is as close to a brand new game as you will find! Very low 51 play game! We sold this game brand new to a local customer. Game is in perfect condition. Contact us for a shipping quote, or if you have any specific questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. This one won't last long!
~SOLD~ Stern Lord Of The Rings Pinball. Really solid players condition game for a great price! Just came in on trade. Excellent playfield, LED lighting including, OCD LED control board and led ring mod at the back of the playfield. Cabinet is very solid, average wear on art, not bad at all. Game also has decals in a tube that come with the purchase. Playfield has been recently shopped. We will go over this unit 100%. Will also include teardrop side rails. Contact us for shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Very nice Williams White Water Pinball! We sold this game to a local many years back and it will be coming in on trade. Contact us for pictures, pricing, shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Very clean Williams Tales of The Arabian Nights. Not a game that shows up often in this shape! Contact us for pictures, pricing, shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Super nice documented home use only NBA Fastbreak! We just bought this back from a local homeowner that purchased it from us in 2017. Before that we sold it to the previous owner brand new. Just brought it back again. This is as nice of an NBA Fastbreak as you will find out there and is 100% bone stock all original except for the rubber that has been replaced. Of course we will go through this unit top to bottom and if you'd like LEDs added we can do so. This is an all numbers matching game. No boards or parts have been replaced in this game. 100% original! Contact us for pricing, shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern Star Wars (Movie Art) Premium Edition Pinball - Low Play Home Use Only. Save big over new in box! INCLUDES A FACTORY EQUIVALENT WARRANTY! That's how clean this game is! We sold this game brand new and it just came in on trade. Later build that Includes factory installed Insider Connected, Stern Official Star Wars Side Armor, Stern Official Stormtrooper Shooter Knob, Stern Official Art Blades, Shaker Motor, External Volume Control, white lit up flipper buttons, playfield back panel lighting, and Playfield drain lighting. That's over $700 in accessories already installed on the game! Contact us for shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern's Game Of Thrones Premium Edition from a private collection - LOW PLAY HOME USE ONLY - Contact us for a shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern Munsters Premium (Color Edition) Home Use Only. We sold this game brand new to a high end lake home. Low play game, mostly stock game! This game is MINT. We delivered it and it never moved until we picked it up today. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern Pirates Of The Caribbean HOME USE ONLY. MINT CONDITION! We sold this game brand new. Game has a full LED conversion. They do NOT get any cleaner than this one! VERY LOW PLAY. Contact us for pictures, a shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. Pictures coming soon!
~SOLD~ Williams Diner - We sold this game over 20 years ago. It is REALLY nice!!! Pictures will be listed ASAP. Contact us for a shipping quote, pictures, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Sega's X Files from a private collection - Excellent Condition! Pictures will be listed ASAP. Contact us for a shipping quote, pricing, pictures, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern Spiderman Vault from a private collection - Home Use Only. We sold this game brand new. Includes warranty (factory equivalent) and shaker motor. Contact us for a shipping quote, pricing, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Williams - Terminator 2. This game is in excellent condition! Contact us for more information. Game overall is very nice and original including a full tear down, LED lamp conversion, new rubber and mechanical rebuild. We also go through the logic on the game make sure there's no issues there. We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted in that order.
~SOLD~ CLASSIC 1978 BALLY KISS PINBALL! We took this game in on trade from one of our local customers. If you have any questions please use the contact ticket as these are answered in order of how they are received. These don't pop up very often in this kind of shape and this kind of originality. This is a really nice piece of all original history that has not been beaten into the ground from it's early days on the street!!
~SOLD~ Stern Ghostbusters Premium from a private collection LOW PLAY HOME USE ONLY with a very low 473 plays. We sold the game brand new. Includes warranty (factory equivalent) & shaker motor. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. More info here. Pictures of actual game here. This game is flawless!
~SOLD~ Led Zeppelin Premium Edition with 9 plays on it! Yes you reading that right.... nine plays! The game still has protective plastic over the start button! We went and bought this machine from a local who bought it from an out-of-state distributor literally days before we got the call. The box was still in the guy's front yard! We're not sure what the deal was, but if we're guessing we're thinking that the "front office" told him to get it out of there! We were in the area when he called so we dropped by and it was the real deal. This is a brand new flawless machine no errors no issues... so his major loss is your major gain! Save $1,700 over the original $9699.00 MSRP. You pay only $7999.00 and we'll even throw in free shipping & a full factory warranty on this one! These are getting extremely hard to find. Pictures soon. It just arrived. Contact us for pictures, or if you have any questions. This one won't last long!
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack's Willy Wonka LE from a private collection - ONLY 255 LIFETIME PLAYS! HOME USE ONLY. Game is flawless! Contact us for a shipping quote, pictures, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Sega South Park Pinball Machine. Looks to be home use only. GAME IS MINT! Just arrived pictures here. This is a REALLY nice South Park! Contact us for a shipping quote, pricing, pictures, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. SOLD
~SOLD~ Williams Fun House - It is REALLY nice!!! Has slight fade. Rad Cals are an option! Pictures will be listed ASAP. Contact us for a shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. SOLD
~SOLD~ Williams FIRE! This classic is in great shape for its age! This game is undergoing complete rotisserie restoration. This was a 100% non molested original game that will really come back to life nice! One of only 7,697 units produced, this machine features 2 flippers, 4 slingshots, 15 standup targets, 3 moving ramps, 2 horseshoe lanes and a plunger skill shot. It has no pop bumpers. There is a rotating color cylinder under playfield that simulates building on fire. The player must quickly "put out fires" when they appear in various places on the playfield by either completing a bank of targets or making a lit shot. These objectives award points increased by the "fire multiplier" as displayed in the upper playfield inserts indicating 10x-7x-5x-3x-2x. Each ball in play starts with this multiplier at its highest value of 10x and counts downward each time a fire is not put out within a timed interval. Each end of a large horseshoe lane is protected by ramps that raise and lower. When lowered, they deliver the ball to ball locks. Upper playfield has a ramp that raises and lowers during play, allowing a ball to enter an elevated opening for multiball. A small horseshoe lane above this ramp advances bonus multipliers 2x-3x-4x-5x-10x which display in the storefront windows in the lower playfield. Top of backbox has a ringing brass bell. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Williams Star Trek The Next Generation from a private collection - BEAUTIFUL CONDITION! Color DMD included. Any other mods will be listed ASAP. Contact us for a shipping quote, pictures, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. SOLD
~SOLD~ BALLY CHAMPION PUB. This game will be restored and yes the up-down post is there with all new parts in the cash box. This game will be torn down and fully restored. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern's Star Wars Premium from a private collection - LOW PLAY HOME USE ONLY - Flawless! Game includes upgraded Kenwood speakers & lighting and a Shaker motor. Contact us for a shipping quote, pictures, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Chicago Gaming's Monster Bash Limited Edition Home Use Only with 600 plays! This game will be here with the Rush above. These games are mint and very low play! This game is pretty much bone stock with some titan glow in the dark rubber added. FACTORY WARRANTY INCLUDED! For more info please Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Williams Indiana Jones. We sold this game many years ago. This game is in GREAT ALL ORIGINAL condition. You will be hard pressed to find a cleaner all original non-molested Indiana Jones! These homeowners hardly played it since we sold it. Game will be 100% gone thru and we can add what you desire. Just reach out to us! Contact us for a shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Wizard Of Oz Pinball Machine. We sold this game Brand new. Pictures coming soon. Contact us for a shipping quote, pricing, pictures or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ SEGA Twister Pinball Machine. This game just came in on trade from a home. Game is in very nice condition. Pictures coming soon. Contact us for a shipping quote, pricing, pictures or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Stern Guardians of the Galaxy Premium Edition Pinball. This just came in from a local homeowner. They are the original owner of this game. This is a VERY low play game. Includes Stern Game Topper, Shooter knob, Shaker Motor and Art Blades. Contact us for pricing, shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Rock-Ola bubbler jukebox. Home use only! We sold this unit brand new. Flawless condition. Play CDs and has Bluetooth player & wireless remote control. $6999.00 Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission. Includes all the original paperwork!
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Hobbit LE pinball. VERY VERY LOW PLAY! We sold this game to a local homeowner brand new. Just came in on trade. 100% perfect! You will not find one cleaner! Ready to ship! This game is mint! Literally like brand new! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Data East Star Wars Pinball. This iconic Data East tile never comes in. This one is VERY VERY nice!!! Few broken plastics, so a brand new CPR plastic set will go on the game when it is restored. We have not come across one of these this clean in a VERY long time. Contact us for pricing, shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Bally Vector. Just arrived Really nice shape! More info soon, or Contact us and we will get you more info ASAP!
~SOLD~ Bally Xenon. VERY nice condition. For further information or pictures Contact us
~SOLD~ Bally Spectrum. Nice shape! Came in locally 100% functioning and had been serviced regularly by an excellent local tech we know. For further information Contact us
~SOLD~ Stern Rush Premium Home Use Only with 208 plays! You will be hard pressed to find a nicer Rush Premium! This game is loaded with the following: Stern Topper, Stern Side Armor, Stern Expression Lights, Stern illuminated Shooter rod, Real tempered glass Rush Backglass, Lermods Illuminated Fly by Night owl, Deluxe speaker lights, Stern Shaker, Upgraded LE Kenwood speakers, External Volume control, Tibetan Breeze special launch cooling kit 3 flipper, Under cabinet lighting, Ninja camps – loop assists, sleeves, shooter lane, PinMonk owl eye blocker, mode color insert, instrument color insert, silent fan, Diddy Flasher steam punk covers, Dalmatian mod, Presto mod, Red-Barchetta mod, Lighted dice scoop mod, VAC tube mod, Florescent plastic protectors and flipper toppers, Mezel super jackpot mod, gear mod bumper caps, Drop target illumination, Reject Rush design mod, and Rush Keychain for keys, Illuminated flipper buttons and start button in red, Modfather deluxe pincup for Rush Premium, Titan purple and clear rubbers. You will be hard pressed to find a better dressed low play Rush Premium ANYWHERE! Rush is no longer in production and Stern has told us that most likely no morte Rush games will be built. Here is your chance to grab one that is like new and dressed to the 9's!
~SOLD~ IRON MAIDEN PREMIUM Home Use Only (HUO)- Low play, mint! Includes Art Blades and a shaker Motor. Save big under MSRP and get a factory warranty! yes.... FACTORY WARRANTY WILL BE INCLUDED! $7899.00 best price on the market. Won't last long! For further information or shipping quote Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Hobbit LE pinball. VERY VERY LOW PLAY! We sold this game to a local homeowner brtand new. Just came in on trade. 100% perfect! You will not find one cleaner! Ready to ship! This game is mint! Literally like brand new! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Williams - Red & Teds Road Show. Excellent condition! This game is REALLY clean! For further information, pictures or shipping quote Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Chicago Gaming's Monster Bash Special Edition - 623 PLAYS! The game is loaded up nicely including Titan Rubber, Blue Powder Coating, Mirror Blades, Shaker Motor, LED Flipper Buttons, Frankenstein 3D Table, Creature Sign Decal, Individual Monster Toppers. Game looks fantastic!!! FACTORY WARRANTY WILL BE INCLUDED! For further information or shipping quote Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ JJP PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN LIMITED EDITION. Game is turn key and ready to go. This game has been meticulously maintained and plays 100% perfect! Game includes the following: Spare brand new unpopulated playfield, Pinmonk flipper cooling fans (these make a HUGE difference on POTC & are a $300 value) Pinstadium lights with hover mounts, Spare spinning disc decal, Black Pearl lit window and opto protector, Pistol shooter rod, Canon Shield protector, Cliffy set installed (except map hole Cliffy recently removed due to bending) Game plays 100%. All dialed in and bulletproofing has been done. Currently shows 4,557 games played, but it’s in beautiful condition. Game has been cleaned, waxed, and maintained regularly. This customer loved to play his games, but he is also VERY particular on maintenance. Cabinet and backbox is 100% perfect. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ TRUE COLLECTOR QUALITY - Wizard Of Oz 75th Anniversary "Ruby Red" Limited edition. This game has the much better and way more reliable 2.0 playfield lights. We sold this game brand new. This one is as nice as they come! This game is beautiful! Contact us for shipping quote, or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ DATA EAST GUNS N ROSES. Very nice condition. This one won't last long. Pictures and pricing coming soon. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ - ATTACK FROM MARS SPECIAL EDITION. Only 519 plays! Includes LED Lit eyes dancing martians, Art Blades, Shaker Motor and Eat at Eddy's Building. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ - Godzilla Limited Edition. This game is in mint condition. We sold this game to our customer brand new. This game is in 100% perfect working order and turn key ready to go. This game was meticulously maintained and in great shape! This game is so nice, we will even include a factory warranty! For more info please Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Another Holy Grail of Pinball! JJP's Pirates Of The Caribbean Collectors Edition Pinball! One of only 200 made, this HIGHLY sought after game is very hard to come by. Hands down JJP's best game. This game is FLAWLESS and has very low play. Home use only. The game plays 100% perfect. This is a VERY RARE gem!
~SOLD~ - Stern South Park - we sold this game many many years ago and this homeowner barely played it. This is a beautiful South Park. Very nice shape! Excellent playfield! Been in this home MANY years. Ready to ship!!! For further information or shipping quote Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ - Beautiful home use only very low play MINT CONDITION Dale Earnhardt Jr Limited Edition Pinball. This game is flawless.... it still even has the protective plastic film on the plaque for the limited edition number. See pictures. If this game has 50 plays on we would be shocked. It's perfect. For a shipping quote, please Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ (HUO) AVENGERS AIQ Limited Edition sold this game brand new. Pictures here. Excellent condition and very well maintained. Has a few mods as well. More soon. For further information or shipping quote Contact us
~SOLD~ KISS PRO EDITION Home Use Only (HUO)- This game was sold brand new by us. Game is in beautiful condition. Comes with Pinball Lifes newest interior blades in gloss mirror black. Looks GREAT! Game looks and plays like new with minimal play. For further information or shipping quote Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ The Holy Grail of pinball! The Addams Family by Bally. This game was in a home for many years locally here and sold by a competitor who is long out of business. This game is a very nice clean original game. Original Playfield is in excellent condition showing very little signs of wear. This game will be torn down and restored back to its original glory with fresh rubber and updated LED lighting. If you really want to go crazy on this one, we do have brand new playfields in stock, so we could do a playfield swap for you! For more info, a shipping quote, and pricing please Contact us. These tickets are answered in order of submission.
~SOLD~ Bally Harlem Globetrotters. This game is getting a brand-new clear-coated playfield, all brand new lamp sockets for the playfield, a brand new plastic set, Pinscore LED display kit and a full cabinet restoration. This will be one sweet Harlem Globetrotters when it's done. WAY too many new parts and assemblies to list! No expense spared on this one!!! We will list completed photos and pricing when the game is finished. Photo album here! More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ (HUO) AEROSMITH LIMITED EDITION - This game just arrived from a local homeowner we sold the game to brand new. Very low play! Game has a Shaker Motor and Aerosmith shooter knob installed. For further information or shipping quote Contact us.
~SOLD~ Stern Pirates of the Caribbean HOME USE ONLY. This game is in literally like new condition! We sold this game brand new. We took it in, tore it down, installed fresh rubber and a full cleaning. (really was not even dirty that's how low play it is!) We also added custom LED lighting to make this game look the way is should! This game looks excellent in Blue, Yellow & Green! This game is very low play. Plays perfect. Ready to ship! For further information or a shipping quote Contact us.
~SOLD~ - Bally NBA Fastbreak. Super clean game. Shopped and ready to go. For further information or shipping quote Contact us
~SOLD~ Bally - Revenge From Mars EXCELLENT CONDITION! More info and pics coming soon! Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Elvira House Of Horrors Premium. 290 plays. This game is literally like brand new. So much so we will give you a FACTORY WARRANTY! Few nice mods included and we do have the official Stern Elvira Toppers, Art Blades and Shooter Knobs in stock all at MSRP if your purchasing this game. Contact us for a shipping quote or if you have any questions.
~SOLD~ - (HUO) GUNS N' ROSES LE (JJP) - includes game topper and art blades! We sold this game brand new and it has ONLY 370 PLAYS on it!. For further information or shipping quote Contact us
~SOLD~ 1983 Bally Grand Slam Baseball. Excellent condition. If you are interested, please fill out this Contact Ticket and we will contact you in the order that ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox.
~SOLD~ Mousin Around. Contact us for more information, pricing, or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Avengers IQ premium home use only. Game has 366 plays. Like brand new! This game is so mint we will even include a factory warranty! Took in on trade from local customer who purchased this game brand new from us. This game is pretty loaded up including official Stern Topper, Art Blades, HD glass & Shaker Motor. For further information or shipping quote Contact us
~SOLD~ Stern Mandalorian Premium. This game is MINT and loaded to the gills. $8499.00 AND INCLUDES A FULL FACTORY WARRANTY! Game is literally like brand new! Great price for a loaded up game! For further information Contact us
~SOLD~ Stern Deadpool Pro Home Use Only. VERY LOW PLAY. Includes Stern Topper, Pin Stadium Lighting, Stern Shooter knob, Speaker lighting, Light Up Flipper Buttons and MORE! Pictures coming SOON. INCLUDES A FULL FACTORY WARRANTY! For further information Contact us
~SOLD~ Bally - Twilight Zone - JUST ARRIVED For further information Contact us.
~SOLD~ Captain Fantastic. VERY nice condition. For further information or pictures Contact us
~SOLD~ Bally - Scared Stiff - This game is a beautiful example of an all original Scared Stiff. This game is really nice and plays fantastic! Mods included are LED's, Color DMD display, Custom black sparkle powder coating on legs, lock bar, side rails and backbox hinges, Custom painted coin door and Art Blades. $11,999. For further information or shipping quote Contact us
~SOLD~ - Williams Bram Stokers Dracula. Really nice all original game. This is a bone stock game. We restored this game some 20 years ago. The game was just purchased back from our customer. We have since tore it back down, cleaned it up, installed fresh rubber, replaced the DMD display and did a complete check on the unit. it is 100% ready to go. Game looks great! $4999.00 Add $300 for Pinball Life Ghostbuster LED kit. For further information or pictures Contact us.
~SOLD~ Data East Monday Night Football. Great shape! Came in locally 100% functioning and had been serviced regularly by an excellent local tech we know. Pictures soon! For further information Contact us
~SOLD~ Stern Stranger Things Premium. 906 plays. Includes Stern UV kit AND we will even throw in a factory warranty since this game is so clean! We do have Stranger Things Topper, Stranger Things Shooter Knob, Strange Things Art Blades, shaker motor, light up flipper buttons, speaker lighting and/or enhance Kenwood sound system (like the LE) all in stock and available for this game. You want it loaded? We can load it and the install of these items will all be at NO CHARGE. We can also pack and ship this game like brand new as we even have the original box! This game is beautiful. UV kit comes with base price. If yoiu want accessories we will price in package pricing below MSRP if you buy this game! This game will sell fast! For further information Contact us.
~SOLD~ Stern Deadpool premium. 115 lifetime plays! VERY LOW PLAY! Mods added and included are: Custom Shooter Rod, Custom Bat Flippers, Colossus Playfield Character, Mystique Playfield Character, Mr. Sinister Playfield Character, Deadpool Playfield Character, Custom Deadpool Pincup, Deadpool Keychain, Speaker lights, Headphone jack/external volume control kit, Art Blades, Shaker Motor. If you are interested, please fill out this Contact Ticket and we will contact you in the order that ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox.
~SOLD~ Stern Mandalorian LE 435 Balls played, 201 games started. Mods added and included are: Mando playfield character, Cara Dune playfield character (she isn’t shown anywhere on the stock machine), Custom shooter Rod, Custom Pincup, Head Phone jack and exterior volume control, Custom flipper bats that say “This is the way”, Keychain, All 4 flipper rubbers are replaced with Pinball life SuperBands. On day one customer put translucent Silicone playfield protectors under the slingshot posts. PICTURES COMING SOON. If you are interested, please fill out this Contact Ticket and we will contact you in the order that ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox.
~SOLD~ Stern - Game Of Thrones Premium JUST ARRIVED For further information Contact us
~SOLD~ JJP - Wizard Of Oz Limited Edition Emerald City (Green) JUST ARRIVED - This game is flawless. VERY VERY LOW PLAY!!! PICTURES HERE. This game is 100% perfect and has a few very nice mods installed. This game also has a 2.0 lighting conversion option if you so desire. For further information and pricing options please Contact us and we will be happy to help! This one will not last long! SOLD
~SOLD~ Chicago Gaming - Monster Bash Limited Edition 84 plays! - JUST ARRIVED
For further information Contact us SOLD
~SOLD~ JJP - Wizard Of Oz Yellow Brick Road Edition. MINT condition! VERY LOW 600 LIFETIME PLAYS - HOME USE ONLY. If you are interested, please fill out this Contact Ticket and we will contact you in the order that ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox.
~SOLD~ Data East - Star Trek 25th Anniversary Edition. This game is in great shape. In on trade from a local homeowner who purchased from a reputable competitor. Pictures coming soon. If you are interested, please fill out this Contact Ticket and we will contact you in the order that ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox.
~SOLD~ Bally Who Dunnit Red Board Prototype - HUO. Appears to be one of the very first if not the first WPC 95 games. Who Dunnit was originally WPC but this game is a red board WPC 95 board set. This is possibly a one of one game. Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote. Restoration is almost complete. More pictures to follow and will be added to the link after we finish the restoration.
~SOLD~ Williams - High Speed. This is an absolutely gorgeous High Speed pinball with a new CPR Playfield installed along with a full-blown cabinet restoration done by a very well-known cabinet restorer here in Chicago. This game is beautiful. For further information Contact us
~SOLD~ Stern Pinball's Jurassic Park Premium Edition. 258 Home Use Only plays on this game. LIKE BRAND NEW! Game is loaded with Jurassic Park Shooter Knob, Art Blades, Side Armor, Lite Up Flipper Buttons & Shaker Motor. Don't get any better than this! The impossible to find game. Extreme back orders for new and the accessories. Grab this one TURN KEY. We will even throw in a FACTORY WARRANTY! Pricing and more information as soon as the game is checked in and evaluated. Just arrived We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted in that order.
~SOLD~ Another mint example of Jersey Jack Pinballs Wizard Of Oz 75th Anniversary Red Edition. Home Use Only, VERY low play! These last DAYS when they come in! Pricing and more information as soon as the game is checked in and evaluated. Just arrived. We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted in that order. SOLD
~SOLD~ Stern Family Guy. This is probably one of the nicest Family Guys on the planet. This game was even featured in a pinball magazine. It just arrived with many one of a kind mods. Please Contact us for more information. We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted in that order.
~SOLD~ F-14 Tomcat. This is a very clean example of this iconic first ever 4 ball multiball game. This game is really nice! $3999 restored, including a full LED lamp conversion, new rubber and mechanical rebuild. We also go through the logic on the game make sure there's no issues there. Game overall is very nice and original. We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted in that order.
~SOLD~ Sega South Park HOME USE ONLY. We sold this game brand new. This game is mint! Very low play. Contact us for more information. Pricing and more information as soon as the game is checked in and evaluated. Just arrived pictures coming soon!
We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted IN THAT ORDER.
~SOLD~ Stern Ghostbusters Premium Pinball. This is a Home Use Only Game. Contact us for more information. Pricing and more information as soon as the game is checked in and evaluated. GAME HAS 43 LIFETIME PLAYS. IT IS BRAND NEW!!!
We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and you will be contacted IN THAT ORDER.
~SOLD~ Bally Twilight Zone. Really nice condition. This game will get torn down, LED's installed and fresh rubber. This is a VERY nice TZ! This game was pulled from a home where it's been for many years and serviced by one of our favorite local technicians who does really good work. This game is solid! Pricing and more information as soon as the game is checked in and evaluated. Just arrived pics will be posted very soon. We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket is submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is in, evaluated and priced you will be contacted.
~SOLD~ Stern Star Wars Premium. Contact us for more information.
~SOLD~ Stern - Transformers Limited Edition Pinball. Home use only! Game is in beautiful condition. Just checked in and set up pictures coming soon. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Pinball Wizard of Oz 75th Anniversary Edition 2.0 version. This is a Home Use Only Game. This game has sold but we recently acquired a second one also home use only which is also a 2.0 version. If you currently have a Contact ticket submitted previously we will continue down that list and reach out to you as soon as possible on price and availability on game number two. If you have not filled out a ticket please do so here >>> Contact us
~SOLD~ - FLAWLESS Home Use Only Family Guy Pinball. Just in and set up. This game probably does not even have 100 plays on it. Local high end homeowner who bought it new. Full LED conversion. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ - Very nice Williams The Getaway (High Speed II) Game is in great shape! Full LED conversion, just out of restoration. Plays perfect! Contact us for more information or a shipping quote. Fresh out of restoration.
~SOLD~ - Brand new, never played Sopranos! Contact us for more information, pricing, or a shipping quote. Just arrived.
~SOLD~ No Good Gofers. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Beautiful Williams Fish Tales. This game has excellent cabinet color with little to no fade and has a really nice playfield. All original game. With a Color DMD added, Venticular 3D translite, New topper clear cover and decal. New playfield back panel plastic and Inside Playfield Art Blades. Contact us for more information.
~SOLD~ Munsters Limited Edition (Home Use Only) 113 plays. THIS GAME IS BRAND NEW!!! Mods included: Flipper Toppers, Tesla Coils, Stair Rails, Shooter Rod & Plate, Speaker Lights & Emblems, Dragula Race Lights. This game is MINT!!! Very clean, very nice low play all original game.
~SOLD~ Batman 66 Premium Edition 366 plays & signed my Adam West!!! Game is flawless, has the following Mods: Speaker Lights & Batman Emblems, Bat Tower, Penguin Umbrella, Flasher Covers, Side Art Blades, POW! Button, Bat Signal, Shooter Rod. We are EXTREAMLY busy but We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is in, evaluated and priced you will be contacted. We apologize for the delay but this game is worth the wait!!! Very clean, very nice low play all original game.
~SOLD~ Star Wars Premium Edition (Movie Art) - HOME USE ONLY - INCLUDES; Stern Storm Trooper Shooter Knob and Shaker Motor. This game just arrived from a local customer of ours. We sold this game brand new! Very very clean, very nice low play all original game. NO HACKS & NO MODS and have all the OFFICIAL Stern Accessories! This game has hardly ANY play on it! Full factory warranty included! Contact us for more information.
~SOLD~ BEAUTIFUL Bally Theatre Of Magic - Ready to go!!! Contact us for more information or a shipping quote. Brand new trunk in the cabinet. Will be installed when the game ships.
~SOLD~ Bally NBA Fastbreak HUO. This game is MINT!. VERY VERY LOW PLAY GAME! You will be hard pressed to find a nicer one! Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote. Very cool and unique game and perfect for the NBA fan or sports game room!
~SOLD~ Chicago Gaming Monster Bash Special Edition (home use only) This game has about 110 plays on it. Flawless! We're taking this game in on trade. Our customer purchased it brand new in January of this year. Includes plasma disc mod and shaker motor! Contact us for more information.
~SOLD~ Wizard of Oz Emerald City Edition (home use only with 81 plays) This game just arrived from a local customer of ours. We sold this game brand new! We have gone thru this unit and since installed a full cliffy set (pics were before but will add after soon) and we have updated the game software to the latest code. Game is 100% working with no errors. Please Contact us for more info and a shipping quote. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is evaluated and priced you will be contacted. We apologize for the delay but this game is worth the wait!!! Very clean, very nice low play all original games. NO HACKS & NO MODS and have all the official JJP Accessories!
~SOLD~ Willy Wonka Limited Edition (home use only 483 plays) WITH TOPPER
This game just arrived from a local customer of ours. We sold this game brand new! Game is 100% working with no errors. Please Contact us for more info or a shipping quote. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is evaluated and priced you will be contacted. We apologize for the delay but this game is worth the wait!!! Very clean, very nice low play all original games. NO HACKS & NO MODS and have all the official JJP Accessories!
~SOLD~ Munsters Premium Black & White Edition (Home Use Only) 103 PLAYS! THIS GAME IS BRAND NEW!!! INCLUDES; Stern Topper, Side Armor, Eddie Munster Shooter Knob, Art Blades and Shaker Motor. This game just arrived from a local customer of ours. We sold this game brand new! We are EXTREAMLY busy but We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is evaluated and priced you will be contacted. NO HACKS & NO MODS and have all the OFFICIAL Stern Accessories! This game is literally fresh out of the box! SOLD
~SOLD~ Guardians Of The Galaxy Pro Edition - INCLUDES; Stern Topper, Groot Shooter Knob, Art Blades and Shaker Motor. This game just arrived from a local customer of ours. We sold this game brand new! We are EXTREAMLY busy but We will contact you in the order the Contact us ticket submitted. These tickets are time stamped in our inbox, so please fill that out and once the game is evaluated and priced you will be contacted. We apologize for the delay but this game is worth the wait!!! Very clean, very nice low play all original game. NO HACKS & NO MODS and have all the OFFICIAL Stern Accessories!
~SOLD~ READY TO SHIP - VERY RARE - CAPCOM PINBALL MAGIC all original never been touched game. This is a beautiful piece. We sold this game to a homeowner shortly after they hit the street. It's been in their home ever since! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ The Big Lebowski Pinball! This is a VERY VERY low play like new game. Yes it comes with the rug!!! Ready to ship. Includes aftermarket bowling ball shooter button ($50.00 value) and a Laseriffic topper! ($175.00 value)
SOLD Williams Medieval Madness (Original) Number matching including the display. This is a very low play game. We do not know if it is HUO but if it was routed or on location it was pulled very early!
~SOLD~ Stern The Walking Dead Premium (Home Use Only) INCLUDES; Official Stern Topper, Shooter Knob, Art Blades, & shaker Motor. Pristine game, VERY low play. We sold this game brand new. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Indiana Jones pinball, home use only. Sold this game a number of years back to a customer who is now downsizing and does not have room for a pinball. Very low play. This game is flawless. Pictures coming soon. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote. SOLD
~SOLD~ Bally Corvette Pinball. Excellent shape! Contact us for more information, pictures or a shipping quote. Pictures coming soon.
~SOLD~ Stern Lord Of The Rings - Home Use Only! This game is beautiful. Includes Color DMD conversion, LED lit speakers, Flipper Fidelity's color changing backbox panel and many other playfield goodies that were added. Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote. SOLD
~SOLD~ Attack From Mars Remake Special Edition. This game is absolutely mint! Very low play. The game has the modified Martians from These Martians are the bomb! Contact us for more information, pictures or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ VERY NICE TERMINATOR 2!!! This game is really nice! Bone stock (except the LED conversion) Just out of restoration. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Pirates of the Caribbean (Home Use Only) This game is in excellent condition. Homeowner and LOW PLAY! ALL ORIGINAL. This game will get our full color LED conversion and playfield restoration. This game is MINT!!! Contact us for more information, pictures or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Data East Star Wars! Contact us for more information, pricing, or a shipping quote. Pictures soon!
~SOLD~ Beautiful Williams Star Trek The Next Generation. This game is in beautiful condition! Comes with all the extras including color DMD, full LED lighting. Contact us for more information.
~SOLD~ Bally Champion Pub Pinball. This game is in beautiful condition! It was purchased from a private collection locally here in Chicago. Customer is moving out of state. Includes full LED conversion. Game is fully bone stock with no modifications. This game has been serviced by one of our favorite technicians in the area who is very well-known and reputable in the industry here. No hack work on this games whatsoever! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Bram Stoker's Dracula #1. We took this game in on trade. We sold this game a LONG time ago. This game is really nice! We did a fresh restoration and converted the game to LED lighting. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Bram Stoker's Dracula #2. Just purchased this game from a local homeowner who bought it about 15 years ago from another long gone local retailer. This game will be fully restored and converted to LED lighting. VERY nice all original game! Contact Us for a shipping quote or more info. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Medieval Madness Royal Edition. This game is flawless and literally brand new. 97 plays! THIS GAME IS FLAWLESS. LITERALLY LIKE BRAND NEW OUT OF THE BOX. THIS GAME WILL SHIP IN A FACTORY BOX! Still under warranty! Includes remainder of factory warranty through June of 2022. Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Pinball Pirates of the Caribbean Limited Edition. We sold this game brand-spanking-new. Game has 190 plays on it. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote. Customer says he has an extra blank playfield for the game that comes with it. Few extra goodies like Art Blades, Titan Sling Rubbers, Super Band Flipper Rubbers, Super Skill Shooter Knob, and a full set of Cliffy protectors. Also has clear mylar in the return lanes that was put on day one. Peel that and you have a brand new playfield underneath!
~SOLD~ Monster Bash Remake Special Edition. ANOTHER FLAWLESS GAME! Just came in on trade less than 1400 plays. Has a few nice mods as well. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ William's F-14 Tomcat. This is a really nice F-14! Won't last long!!! Contact us for more information, pictures or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Whitewater. Contact us for more information or a shipping quote. This game is VERY clean. Purchased from a private party. Will be converted to LED's and fully restored. This game is going to be SUPER nice when done! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Data East Tommy. This game is in gorgeous condition and fully recondition ready to go! Contact us for more information or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Ghostbusters Premium Pinball Home Use Only! We sold this game brand new. This game will be coming in shortly. Has Stern Art Blades and Shaker Motor installed. Contact us for more information, pricing, or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Ghostbusters Pro Pinball Home Use Only! We sold this game brand new. This game is loaded to the hilt with so many mods we had to take pictures of them all to show you. Contact us for more information, pricing, or a shipping quote. Pictures soon!
~SOLD~ Just out of restoration. Williams Monster Bash all original home use only! This game was sold brand new to a local homeowner and is an excellent condition. This game was updated with a full LED conversion, a full playfield tear down and rebuild with new rubber and all mechanical assemblies gone through. Even though this was home use game we still wanted to make sure it was in excellent shape! You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. Save 2K over the competition and we bet ours is nicer! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ HOME USE ONLY low play Stern Pirates of the Caribbean. This game is in beautiful condition! Another dig out from a local homeowners basement. Stunning condition. Another one that will not be here long! Pictures soon. Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote. This game is beautiful collector quality. Ready to ship.
~SOLD~ READY TO SHIP - THE NICEST TERMINATOR 2 WE HAVE EVER SEEN SINCE THEY WERE NEW!!! We're not kidding. This game is STUNNING. 100% HUO and VERY LOW PLAY - ABSOLUTELY COLLECTOR QUALITY! We sold it in 2014 after purchasing from the original owner... and we remember it well. 2nd owner is a local family here and they have not played the game much and want to get into a new game so it's back in on trade. This game is turn key with full LED conversion that we did in 2014. Bone stock (except the LED's). Contact us for more information or a shipping quote. This game is beautiful MINT collector quality. Ready to ship.
~SOLD~ READY TO SHIP - Williams Tales Of The Arabian Nights #1. This game came in from a personal collection. This game is REALLY REALLY nice! More info and pics soon. Contact us for more information, pictures, or a shipping quote. $8999.00. includes a full LED conversion and Cliffy protectors. This game is beautiful collector quality. Ready to ship.
~SOLD~ JUST RESTORED! READY TO SHIP - Williams Tales Of The Arabian Nights #2 (yes we have 2 of them) This one was a super auction piece back when these were coming off route and is actually a very clean game. The best part is it has never been molested and all original. Never been shopped and the better news is not abused. It's not even that dirty right now. Bought at auction by a homeowner and hardly played. Just completed our restoration on it including a full LED conversion. Game has minor fade but not bad at all for a TOTAN! Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote. Pictures here.
~SOLD~ Revenge From Mars - Another VERY CLEAN game. This game is in excellent condition. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Williams Riverboat Gambler. This game came from a home and is in really nice shape! Pictures Here. This game has been updated with a full LED conversion, received a full playfield tear down and rebuild with new rubber and all mechanical assemblies gone through. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Bally The Addams Family 100% all original. We sold this game to a local customer many many years ago. This is a very very clean Addams Family. This game will be updated with a full LED conversion, a full playfield tear down and rebuild with new rubber and all mechanical assemblies gone through. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Williams Medieval Madness ALL ORIGINAL BEAUTIFUL GAME! Low play all original pulled from a homeowner here locally. You will be hard pressed to find one cleaner. More info soon. This one won't last long. Contact us for more information, or a shipping quote. This game is beautiful and absolutely collector quality! Full Cliffy set and LED conversion included.
~SOLD~ - Bally's The Shadow. This particular game we sold many years ago to a local homeowner who is now moving out of state. We purchased it back and it just arrived. Game came in 100% functioning without even a test report. Doesn't surprise us because we restored this game many years ago. The game will get a full teardown and restoration again including all fresh rubber, LED upgrade. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote
~SOLD~ Stern Monopoly Home Use Only. Never saw a public location, VERY LOW PLAY. This game is FLAWLESS.
~SOLD~ Stern Spiderman Home Use Only. We sold this game brand new. Just arrived in flawless condition. VERY low play game! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Bally Elvira and the Party Monsters. Game is super clean. Came in on trade from a high end collection. Needs nothing! Fully LED's and clear rubber! Beautiful Elvira!!!
~SOLD~ Banzai Run - came in from a private collection
~SOLD~ Twilight Zone - came in from a private collection
~SOLD~ Family Guy - came in from a private collection
~SOLD~ Bally Cirqus Voltaire. Home use only unit from former employee of Williams. This is a very nice Cirqus Voltaire! Game is 100% completely bone stock and will receive our full restoration and led conversion. CONTACT US for more info, or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Williams Fun House. This game was just pulled from a local home here. Overall in very nice condition. Game has been regularly serviced by one of the best techs in the Chicago area. We have known this tech 25 plus years. This game plays GREAT. We will still tear iut down and do our full restoration to it. This game will clean up very nice! This is a very hard to find game in this shape. This one is pretty nice! You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. Just arrived pictures here. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ - Bally Monte Carlo. Really nice clean example of the iconic 1973 Bally electromechanical pinball. Great Card theme-based pinball! This one has been in a home for decades and will clean up very nice! Contact Us for more info, pictures or a shipping quote. More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. This is a nice clean game!
~SOLD~ Williams Star Trek the Next Generation. We sold this game to a homeowner many years ago and just purchased it back. Game is 100% bone stock with the exception of a Pinball Pro Enhanced Sound System that was previously installed. We'll be upgrading this game with LED lighting and giving it a complete fresh restoration. This game overall is very clean! For more info or shipping quote Contact Us. More info about the game here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Data East Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Just arrived and came in from a homeowner. This game is in really nice condition and we'll clean up beautifully! You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. Pictures and pricing coming soon.Contact Us for more info, pricing or a shipping quote. SOLD
~SOLD~ Stern Star Trek Limited Edition... Home Use Only. Game is in perfect condition. Only 800 total plays. Also has some extra mods including inside mirror blades, a color LCD DMD, lite up flipper buttons, a green laser (replacing the red) and probably one of the coolest mods for this game which is a lit up blue LED ring for the edge of the main Enterprise ship. This is hands down. One of the best looking limited edition games Stern has ever built. These never last long so don't delay. This game is in impeccable condition. Please Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Stern Pinball WrestleMania limited edition. Demo unit, 138 TOTAL plays. Game is autographed by Hulk Hogan. Certificate of authenticity and all original factory paperwork still stapled in the game. This game comes with a full factory warranty. Please Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Wizard Of Oz 75th Anniversary Edition. Home Use Only. VERY VERY LOW PLAY! This game came in on trade from one of our high end customers. This unit is literally like brand new. Not a scratch in it! Just arrived photos here. Please Contact Us for more info, shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Midway Space Invaders. Nice original unit. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote!
~SOLD~ 1978 Bally Playboy pinball. All original, very good condition for its age. Left side cabinet fade but back box and right side cabinet look great. Playfield overall in great condition. This game will be fully restored. Please Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ 1994 Bally World Cup Soccer. Game over all in very nice condition. Sold by a local retailer many years ago and has been serviced by a local technician that we know well. As with all of our used games this game will get a full teardown and restoration. This is a great game for the home that anyone will enjoy! Always a very good seller. These don't last long.
~SOLD~ Jurassic Park Limited Edition pinball 127 lifetime plays. Like new. This game is in perfect condition. Full factory warranty included. Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ Williams F-14 Tomcat. All time classic! fully restored including LED conversion. Contact Us for more info. More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration
~SOLD~ Williams Phoenix. Game is in beautiful shape. Pictures and more info soon! Contact Us for more info, pricing or a shipping quote. More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration..
~SOLD~ Bally Captain Fantastic. The Bally classic with Elton John! This game came from a home and is in really nice shape. Game just came in so these pictures are of how it arrived before restoration! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote. More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Williams Flash. Classic game in very nice shape. Pics coming soon.
Contact Us for more info or pictures. We will get pictures of this game up ASAP! More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Jersey Jack Hobbit Gold Smaug Edition. Home Use Only. VERY VERY LOW PLAY! This game came in on trade from one of our high end customers. Game has ALL the updates and is a later build. Rad Cals, shaker, factory Playfield protector included. We will get pictures up ASAP. Please Contact Us for more info, pricing or pictures. This is one owner low play game. Customer purchased directly from JJP and we did the actual installation for him. We also extracted it. Game is flawless not a scratch in it.
~SOLD~ Sega South Park Pinball. All original and in excellent condition. We just purchased this game back from a customer we sold it to many years ago. Game will be updated with LED lighting and all fresh rubber. We will also completely go back over the electronics and mechanics as well. Contact Us for more info or pictures.
~SOLD~ All original Home Use Only (HUO) Stern Lord Of The Rings Pinball. We sold this game brand new. This was in a local homeowners basement from day one. This game will get fully converted to LED's and all fresh rubber. This game is in mint condition. Pictures coming soon. For more info, pictures or shipping quote Contact Us. More info here
~SOLD~ All original Home Use Only (HUO) Stern Pirates of the Caribbean Pinball. We sold this game brand new. This was in a local homeowners basement from day one. This game will get fully converted to LED's and all fresh rubber. This game is in mint condition. Pictures coming soon. For more info, pictures or shipping quote Contact Us. More info here
~SOLD~ Super clean Stern Pirates of the Caribbean pinball with a brand new NOS clear-coated Playfield. Under cabinet lighting, Back Alley Creations shooter lane cannon mod, interior Playfield lighting mod. This game is super nice! For more info, pictures or shipping quote Contact Us. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Bally Theatre of Magic. This all-time classic hands down is one of the best selling pinball machines ever. This game was sold by us years back and has very low play on it since its last restoration. Game is an outstanding condition! All original no LEDs although we will convert this game over to LED for the listed price. The game will also be gone through and freshened up. This game is in outstanding all original condition with absolutely zero hack work ever done to it. This is a beautiful machine! Absolutely fantastic cabinet and Playfield! This one's about as nice as you will find! For more info or a shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ Shaq Attaq Pinball. This game came in from a local home owner who had owned for many years. Game was operated early in it's life but not for very long as it is in great condition! Full restoration along with a LED conversion will be performed. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote. More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Williams Space Mission. Really nice clean mechanical unit. This game is going to clean up really nice! Great shape! Contact Us for more info, pricing or a shipping quote. more info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Cactus Canyon CONTINUED! This game just arrived from a private collection where it has been for many years and looks to be in very nice shape! Color Display, Pin Stadium lighting kit and custom sound system installed. More to come. Not even set up yet. Pics soon. THIS WILL NOT LAST LONG! Contact Us for a shipping quote or more info.This game will be totally gone thru. Looks really nice but were going to make sure it is 100%! More info about the game here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Williams Rollergames. We purchased this game back from a homeowner we sold it to probably close to 25 years ago. This game is super clean all original. Will be tearing it back down and doing an LED conversion, complete fresh Rubber and a good cleaning and going through. This game is really really nice! For more info, pictures or shipping quote Contact Us. More info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Data East Simpsons pinball. This game is really clean! This game has received our full restoration process. This game really cleaned up nice! Save huge over our competitor who is priced at $1,100 more and most likely not the same quality. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration. For more info or shipping quote Contact Us. More info here
~SOLD~ Revenge from Mars. We sold this game new back in 2001. We are going to tear it down to freshen it up, install new rubber & convert to LED. This game is an absolutely beautiful condition. VERY low play. All paperwork included. Photos coming soon. For more info, pictures or shipping quote Contact Us. More info about the game here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Williams Demolition Man. This game is in great condition. As with all games were pretty picky about what will take in on trade. This one came in from a local customer who has purchased games from us before. We are going to do a full tear down and LED conversion on this game. As with all of our restorations we will also go through the electronics and update them. This game seems to play great and will only play better once we're done with it! For more info or a shipping quote Contact Us. more info here. You can trust our 5 star reputation and restoration.
~SOLD~ Twilight Zone. Very nice unit. Slight cabinet fade but overall a really nice game! More info to come. This won't last long.
~SOLD~ Williams Aristocrat Puck Bowling Machine. This bowler came in from a very high end home. It had a very high end restoration done to it from a retailer here in Chicago that is no longer around. This game is beautiful! Custom paint job that is awesome! Pictures here. We give it a tune up before it leaves. Overall in excellent condition! Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ Bally Theatre of Magic. This all-time classic hands down is one of the best selling pinball machines ever. We just pulled this unit out of a local customers basement where has been serviced professionally by a really good local tech that we've known for 25 years. This game is in outstanding all original condition with absolutely zero hack work ever done to it. This is going to turn out to be a beautiful machine once converted to LEDs and givin a good going through. Absolutely fantastic cabinet and Playfield! There is absolutely zero insert we're on this play field! As always this game will receive our full restoration process. This one's about as nice as you will find! For more info, or shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ United full size ball bowler. Just arrived more info to come soon. For more info, pictures or a shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ The Addams Family pinball! One of, if not the most desirable pinball machines on the planet! This game came from a local homeowner here in Chicago that purchased it from a very high-end retailer that is long out of business. This game is exceptionally clean for an Addams Family! Very very clean cabinet and Playfield! This is not your average worn-out Addams Family! This game will not last long! Game will get a full tear down and full LED conversion. This game did not get played much in the home and is overall in great shape and WELL above average for Addams Family. This is one game title you could easily overpay and get a very tired and worn out game. This will not be one of them! This is a really nice original unit. As always this game will receive our full restoration process. For more info, pricing, pictures or shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ Absolutely pristine home use only Monopoly. This game is mint! Full LED conversion, fresh rubber. paperwork is still stapled inside the cabinet from the factory. Pictures speak for themselves. For more info or a shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ JUST ARRIVED - Very nice Roller Coaster Tycoon. This game has a color dot matrix scoring display (DMD) and full color LED lighting. This game is in very very nice condition. Just took in on trade from a collector. For more info, pictures or a shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ JUST RESTORED & READY TO SHIP! Super clean home use only Pirates Of The Caribbean. We sold this game brand new. This game is a very low play game in beautiful condition. Adding color to this game makes it awesome! This game is beautiful! This game has been freshened up with all new Rubber and full LED conversion. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Data East Maverick. Game came from a local home where it sat for many years. VERY clean and in great shape. Perfect display. This is a VERY low hour game and VERY original. Will turn out really nice!
~SOLD~ JUST RESTORED & READY TO SHIP - Absolutely Beautiful Elvis Pinball machine. This game came from a personal collection. Full LED conversion, Speaker lighting, Flipper button lighting included. This game is BEAUTIFUL, but we still tore it down to install fresh rubber (age) and to update the LED's to better quality. We also went thru EVERY mechanical assembly on the game and freshened them up. This game is super clean! Ready to go! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Bally Heavy Hitter Baseball game. Yes, this is one of the originals! One hits, and one bats. Head to head baseball! This is a classic piece in all original 100% working order!
~SOLD~ Star Wars Episode 1 (home use only) Purchased from a homeowner who bought these games brand new from us. This particular game was the owner of the company's personal machine before it was sold to this homeowner. This game is an absolutely perfect condition very low play. Pictures speak for themselves. All paperwork included. Truly a very low play Episode 1. You won't find one cleaner. Absolutely perfect condition. 10 out of 10. Full LED conversion.
~SOLD~ VERY clean Williams Star Trek Next Generation. This game was in very high-end home for many many years up on the north shore of Chicago. This game was sold by a local retailer who went out of business many years ago but they were always very very picky about the games they purchased. We always love running into their games. This game is going to turn out beautiful after restoration. As always our restoration includes a full tear down, full LED conversion, fresh rubber and a complete mechanical AND Electronic rebuild. Cliffy Protectors will also be added to preserve this beautiful playfield. This is a beautiful all original game with NO hacks! FULL tear down, mechanical rebuild / restoration and LED conversion included. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Williams Strike Zone HOME USE ONLY! This game is stunning. Never been in a bar or Arcade! You don't find them like this very often. This was purchased brand new by the home owner. Non smoking home. We converted it to LED to add some color and have completely gone over the unit. It's been a long time since we have seen a Strike Zone this nice! Ready to go! Don't miss out on this gem!
~SOLD~ Williams Shuffle Inn Puck Bowling Machine. This bowler is an absolutely beautiful condition! You just don't find them like this anymore! This game was pulled from a basement where it was purchased from a very high-end retailer here in Chicago many many years ago. It is 100% functioning flawlessness but we are still going to completely go through this unit to be certain that you will get many years of trouble-free play! Full LED lamp conversion. Fully warranted. You really won't believe your eyes! We promise you this bowler is STUNNING! For the extra $200 you would save from "the other guys" you found this game from your Shuffle Inn Google search, just do yourself a favor and take a CLOSE LOOK at their LOW resolution photograph and you will see what your REALLY getting there for $200 less. Contact Us for more info or feel free to make an appointment to come play it for yourself!
~SOLD~ Williams Tic Tac Strike Puck Bowling Machine. This bowler was in a home for many years and is in excellent shape. Full LED conversion and complete mechanical restoration. Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ READY TO SHIP - Pristine home use only Iron Man Pinball. This game is in excellent condition! We sold this game brand new. Just came in on a trade from one of our high-end customers. This game sat in a very high-end adult playroom that only gets used a couple times a year. Full LED conversion. More info on the game here. Contact Us for more info, pricing or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ READY TO SHIP! Wizard of Oz ruby red (home use only) Purchased from a homeowner who bought these games brand new from us. Very low play game. Absolutely perfect condition. This is a game that does not stick around long on the used market. Save big over new! For more info or shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ Bally Champion Pub. GREAT GAME and VERY hard to find in this shape. This game just came in and this one is going to turn out REALLY nice!!! Price includes full tear down restoration, mechanical rebuild, fresh rubber, complete LED conversion and a full set of Cliffys.
~SOLD~ Sega South Park. Game came in on trade from a private collection. Comes with a colored dot matrix scoring display, full LEDs and Cliffy protectors. Overall very nice shape. Plays great! As with all of our use games that come in we completely go through these. Looks like somebody did a good job but we're going to make sure before you own it! For more info or shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ READY TO SHIP - FLAWLESS VERY LOW PLAY Star Trek Limited Edition by Stern. Includes Art Blades, under cabinet lighting and Bird of Prey MODS that were never even installed! This game is literally brand new. Maybe a couple hundred plays at most! Includes full warranty and installation of accessories never installed from previous customer. Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ JUST RESTORED READY TO SHIP! Williams Terminator 2. According to the customer this game was sold approximately 15 years ago by one of our competitors. This game is in extremely nice condition and has spent most of its life in a very nice high-end home! Very low street play on this one. This game turned out beautiful after restoration. As always our restoration will included a full tear down, full LED conversion, fresh rubber and a complete mechanical rebuild. We also rebuild the driver boards in these older Williams systems so they will be trouble free for many years to come! This is something we generally find very few retailers do. Even though the game is really in great shape the parts replaced just age and go bad with time. Contact Us for more info. Pictures HERE.
~SOLD~ Theatre of Magic! This game was sold by us MANY years ago to a local customer. They are out of room and trading in for some new games. This game is beautiful. It will receive a full tear down, LED conversion, fresh rubber and full upgrades. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Tales Of The Arabian Nights! This game was sold by us MANY years ago to a local customer. They are out of room and trading in for some new games. This game is beautiful. It will receive a full tear down, LED conversion, fresh rubber and full upgrades. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Williams Road Show. VERY VERY LOW PLAY! This game came from well-known game programmer Dwight Sullivan who programmed this game and was also owned by game programmer Lyman Sheets. Game could be autographed upon request. Contact us for more details. This game is flawless and very low play. It also has a blue powder coat lock bar as they were tinkering with the idea of doing blue trim throughout the whole game. At the end of the day when the game went to production only the legs were blue on these games and the lock bar and side rails remained stainless steel. This game has the original blue lockdown bar Williams was thinking of putting on these games. For more info or a shipping quote Contact Us.
~SOLD~ Bally Creature From The Black Lagoon. This game was sold by us MANY years ago. This game is in extremely nice condition and has spent most of its life in a very nice high-end home! Very low street play on this one. This game's going to turn out beautiful after restoration. As always our restoration will include a full tear down, full LED conversion, fresh rubber and a complete mechanical rebuild. We also rebuild the driver boards in these older Williams systems so they will be trouble free for many years to come! This is something we generally find very few retailers do. Even though the game is really in great shape the parts replaced just age and go bad with time. Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ Sega Space Jam. Game is in beautiful shape. This game was bought from a customers home where is has been for many years. Game is in very nice shape. This game will still get our full fresh restoration including LED conversion using pinball life premium Ghostbuster LEDs. Fully warrantied. Contact Us for pictures sooner and we will get them to you.
~SOLD~ Big Hurt Pinball. This game came in from a local home owner who had owned for many years. Game was operated early in it's life but not for very long as it is in great condition! Full restoration along with a LED conversion will be performed. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Williams Pin-Bot. This game is in great shape. Came out of a home. Just arrived a few days ago. full restoration including full LED conversion. Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ - Home use only (HUO) Wizard of Oz Ruby Red 75th Edition Pinball. This game is like BRAND NEW! This particular game sat in a climate controlled room and was not played much at all. Maybe a coupe hundred plays at most! As with all our used games, includes warranty! We will also provide a full factory warranty for this unit, it is that nice! Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Home use only (HUO) Wizard of Oz Standard Edition Pinball. This game is BRAND NEW! Just came in on a trade from one of our high-end customers. This particular game sat in a climate controlled room and was not played. It was never installed into the intended location. The high end customers private game room was full and a number of games were purchased to go into a new room, yet the new room has yet to be built so it was set up and never played sitting idle. Literally this game is brand new! Pictures coming soon. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ Bally Silverball Mania. Game overall in very nice condition. Just arrived pictures coming soon. Contact Us for more info
~SOLD~ Williams River Boat Gambler. This game came in from a home and is in beautiful, all original condition. Excellent playing card themed game. A true Williams classic! More info about this game here. This game will get a full restoration and LED conversion. Contact Us for more details/pictures or shipping quote if you're interested in this game. Fully warrantied! We'll try to get some pictures up soon! This game is really nice!
~SOLD~ Bally Cybernaut in very nice shape. Game has a brand new Alltech MPU and looks to be in great shape. Just arrived pics here. Came from a home. Contact Us for more info or additional pictures as this one JUST arrived.
~SOLD~ Lord of the Rings. This game received a brand-new NOS playfield and it was clear coated before installation. This game was also trimmed out as a Gold Edition. includes Beautiful custom topper. Game has many LED's installed and the remaining that are still incandescent will be converted to Pinball life Ghostbuster LED's. Game had some scuffs on the right side of the backbox. (shown in the pictures) The rest of the cabinet is very nice! This one won't last long. Contact Us for more info or a shipping quote.
~SOLD~ The all-time classic Bally Twilight Zone, excellent condition! This game was sold many years ago to a high-end homeowner by a local retailer who has since gone out of business. This game is 100% factory stock never molested. This game will get a full restoration including a full set of Cliffy Protectors and a Ghostbuster Premium LED light kit upgrade. INCLUDES these tasteful mods: gumballs for the gumball machine, Gumball light kit, Door Panel Flasher Kit and a clock LED conversion. This game is going to turn out really nice! Many additional tasteful mods available. Contact Us for more info.
~SOLD~ Stern Elvis - Very nice condition. Pictures here of one that we just finished and shipped out. Pictures here of the one we will be restoring next. Includes FULL LED conversion and complete fresh restoration. Contact Us for a shipping quote if you're interested in this game. Contact Us for more pictures and we will get them to you.
~SOLD~ Sega Lost World in stunning condition! This game has been in a very high-end home for many many years. It was sold by a local retailer who went out of business many years ago but they were always very very picky about the games they purchased. We always love running into their games. This game will turn out beautiful! Contact Us for a shipping quote if you're interested in this game.
~SOLD~ Stern Monopoly Pinball Home Use Only! 948 TOTAL PLAYS! This game is MINT! All paperwork still factory sealed and stapled in the cabinet just as it left the factory. This game will still get our full fresh restoration including LED conversion using pinball life premium Ghostbuster LEDs. Fully warrantied. For more info Contact Us.
~SOLD~ Williams No Good Gofers. This game is stunning! Restoration just finished, fresh out of our shop! Classic game in fantastic condition! Very well could be home use only and were pretty sure it is. Goodie bag, all manuals & paperwork & factory lockbar are all still in the game! Pat Lawlors final game for Williams. Only 2711 produced so finding them in this condition is rare! Bought from a home, game has very low play. This games is in mint condition, but as with all of our used games, no matter how nice they may look, this was completely torn down and restored, including fresh rubber rings, Pinball life Ghostbuster LED conversion and a complete mechanical rebuild.
~SOLD~ Bally Blackwater 100 in very nice shape. Boots up, plays 100%. Looks to be in great shape. Came in from a home. Contact Us for more info or pricing as this one JUST arrived.
~SOLD~ Williams No Fear Pinball. This game is in great shape! In resto now. Pictures coming soon. fully restored with custom LED conversion. Previous owner bought a LOT of new parts including brand new ramps, Plastic set, scull face etc. This game is very nice. Contact Us for more details/pictures or shipping quote if you're interested in this game. Fully warrantied!